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Control Cables


Engineering Resources & Design Guides

Our engineering team has applied their years of industry experience to develop resource documentation for each of our product lines.

Cable Assembly Network

Our Worldwide Cable Assembler Network can help you with your mechanical motion control solutions.

Online Catalog

Don’t need a custom design? Download our digital catalog to see all of our available cable and linkage assemblies.


Cycle-Flex™ Miniature Cable and Assemblies

Cablecraft is the recognized leader in miniature mechanical cable and miniature cable assemblies technology. We offer an extensive assortment of standard and custom products engineered to meet the requirements of the most demanding applications

Cycle-Flex™ is a miniature, concentrically stranded stainless steel mechanical cable ranging from .15 mm to 1.12 mm (uncoated) in diameter. It is manufactured to the highest quality standards using the latest in custom-designed cable stranding equipment and technology. Cycle-Flex™ can be ordered lubricated for high cycle life requirements or dry, suitable for medical device applications and it is available un-coated or nylon coated or one of Cablecraft’s many other coating materials.

Providing cost-effective and innovative solutions

New applications taking advantage of this product’s unique properties are being discovered for the medical, automotive, aerospace and other industries where high-performing and reliable miniature cable assemblies are required. Every day practical, cost-effective solutions to common motion control problems are being developed by designers and engineers using Cycle-Flex.

Select from Cablecraft’s complete line of standard Cycle-Flex™ miniature cable assemblies and fittings and rely on our experience for the design and fabrication of special parts and assemblies.

CycleFlex Medical
CycleFlex Miniature


Cablecraft’s standard line of fittings for Cycle-Flex™ cable offers many functional assembly options. Each series of fittings has been carefully designed and tested to offer the highest holding strength possible when combined with the recommended cable size. These fittings are applied to bare or coated cable using custom and proprietary matched steel dies in mechanical, or hydraulic presses. Consult Cablecraft’s Sales and Engineering departments for recommendations on fitting selection. The proper selection can have a significant impact on the assembly’s function, installation, reliability and cost.

Cycle-Flex™ Custom Fittings

Our extensive experience in special custom fittings design, combined with the capabilities of our fully equipped machine shop and tool room, has resulted in many unique and successful fittings. Consult Cablecraft Sales and Engineering departments for further information.


Prototypes are available and are an invaluable way to finalize the dimensional and tolerance requirements of any assembly. Life cycle and durability testing can also be conducted on prototypes, prior to production. Contact us to request a prototype.


You can get started by using our design considerations or you can request a Design Guide to help analyze, define, design and specify the most appropriate Cycle-Flex™ assembly for your specific application. The Design Guide contains useful information and technical data necessary to develop a functional and effective Cycle-Flex™ cable assembly. Cablecraft’s Sales and Engineering departments welcome your inquiries and can assist you with your miniature cable design project.

Design Considerations

  1. Depending upon load consideration cable stretch, both constructional and elastic, needs to be considered. Constructional stretch can be removed; elastic stretch can be calculated.
  2. Based upon the application, select the desired cable construction. For example, 1×7 is the stiffest while 7×19 is the most flexible.
  3. Determine what the cable and assembly breaking strength needs to be based upon the working load plus a safety factor.
  4. If pulleys or capstans are involved in your design, they must be of a suitable size. For example, for 7×19 cable construction, the pulley diameter needs to be 24 times the diameter of the cable. Remember that the cable assembly strength will usually be less than the tensile strength of the cable.
  5. Based upon item 3, 4 and 5, determine the cable diameter to be used.
  6. Determine the type of end fitting that will be required for attachment of the cable for your particular application. Our Design Engineers can help with this selection.
  7. For best holding strength, it is necessary to strip the coating prior to applying the end fittings. The design should allow for this.
  8. Consider cable assembly tolerances.


  • Laparoscopic Device
  • Endoscopic Device
  • Lid Restraint
  • Emergency Release
  • Convertible Tops
  • Security
  • Fuel Cap Tether
  • Robotics
  • Industrial ID Tags
  • Reciprocating Drives
  • Outdoor Power Equipment